Thursday, September 22, 2016

Hard lessons....

It was both a good day and a hard day today.  Why is it that the only time you do something that's a big Whoops!! It happens to the client that is the worst one for it to happen with?! That was the hard part of the day. It's amazing how just a few minutes in the middle of the day can mess up a whole day!! :(  But a good lesson was learned the hard way. We'll see how the meeting Monday goes!

Now that being said it's been another very busy month. August was insane with conventions and work all in the same month. It always is and I'm never sure how it'll all work but somehow it always does!! My Father can give some amazing strength!! A cousin came for conventions and we got a group cousin picture as well as one of just her, Christina and I. It was truly wonderful!!  One convention was HOT and one was COLD!! And they were just a week apart! I've picked up a handful of small clients this month. I've got one really big job that needs done. I'm also getting closer and closer to getting clients books completed on my ideal schedule. Slowly but surely!

One thought I've had recently is keeping myself from thinking too highly of myself business wise. I found myself thinking of how much I've learned over the years and where that has put me and found myself starting to struggle. You'd think it'd be the other way but it's not because I'm then putting myself first instead of my Father. I"m trying to take all the credit. And then the experience brought that even more so into focus. I need those experiences to keep me humble!!! Need to be thankful for anything that keeps me humble!

I did a really quick trip down to Klamath Falls this last weekend, saw my cousin and talked business and visited with my dad Saturday and Sunday. He's doing okay. Depending on how he's doing he may come up in December. I'd say there's a really good chance his pneumonia will come back but only time will tell. His stamina is not even close to what it used to be before the pneumonia. He can still take walks and get around but it doesn't take a whole lot to become breathless. :(

I'm always amazed at this and I've mentioned it a lot but that subconscious is amazing. I found myself struggling yesterday and tried to figure it out and it dawned on me that Dave's birthday is next week. It's much better as the years go but the birthday time is obviously still an issue!! Probably will be for years to come but it's amazing how I don't even have to think about it. It's just there.

The garden didn't do that great this year thanks to critters. I did find out that they don't like red pepper flakes though!! I really wish I'd figured it out a lot earlier! I might of had tomatoes!! As it is I'll have lots of really green tomatoes since they made a good come back since I put those flakes down.  I got some peppers. They did okay in the containers but not as good as they would have in the ground. There's a picture of a couple of them ripening below. :) I did manage to pick some raspberries yesterday. Tomorrow it's supposed to rain again so hopefully they don't mold!!! Then Sunday and Monday are supposed to be in the low 80's and gorgeous!

Yvonne, I and Christina

Christina and I- Our final full convention together where we can sit together!!


Grandma and Teagan

Grandma and Scarlet

My dad and Lucky

Trying to grow potatoes in a old torn container. I"m curious how it'll go. The trick has been the watering!! It's way too easy to over water!

My peppers!

View where Sunday morning meeting was- Gorgeous!!

An early morning view at convention!!

View as we were leaving convention Sunday- love the sun against the clouds!

Wonderful sunset on the way to meeting yesterday!!

My Kitties! :) Mia and Pippy