Monday, June 19, 2017

Special Weekend!

I wasn't absolutely positive that this last weekend would happen until last Thursday or about when I would get to our convention until Friday when the payroll I had to do went way smoother then it had ever went and took an hour less then my quickest time. I think I was supposed to go! :)  I could certainly see my Father's hand making everything fall together! Christina spoke for the first time at a convention and did wonderfully. (Bad wording but fits. :)  ) The soul was fed bountifully and lots and lots of fellowship.  Such a special weekend!

And then I come home to a ton of ripened raspberries! A super nice weekend did it's work but a supper wet (for June) week and half did it's work on them as well. :(  Last year peppers and tomatoes were setting, this year they're not even close!

After meeting

Our attempted selfie 😆

Let the picking commence!

Lots of rain causes moldy raspberries so it'll be a trick to pick these today! Hopefully the rain is done for a while now!! 

Pippy was a happy, happy boy today. He got to go outside!

My amazing hydrangea 

Super pretty rose. 

Thursday, June 8, 2017


Thanks to having help I've actually been able to get out in the yard this year! A couple of days ago I got the back corner cleaned up. It's needed it for quite a while! The pond needs emptying out and refilled but that's all that is left. The roses are blooming like crazy this year. I wonder if the cold winter had anything to do with it?

Today I got the tomatoes and peppers planted in pots. I'm giving the garden beds a rest this year but can't do without my tomatoes! :)  Maybe I'll plant some cucumbers etc in pots as well. I found some super nice pots for super cheap at a liquidation place this spring so the old brittle plastic pots can go and some pretty awesome new pots can take their place!