Monday, February 26, 2018

HUGE (and I mean HUGE!) Life Change!!!

On the 2nd of February all was going quite well for my business (and still is!). And then I get a text from Christina on Saturday saying the people Linda and her are staying at are looking for an accountant. Sometimes you get that feeling that you just need to follow up on something so I kind of shocked her when I started asking questions. :)  It's a corporate farm in Rupert Idaho. My dream has always been to live in the country and to do work with something that is farm related. So learning that was a whoa moment! After talking with them Monday it was even more amazing how right it felt. Another interview Wednesday went quite well and then a bit of a briefer one Friday; the first two were over an hour and the last probably about a half hour. It's amazing to me because I've always been terrible at interviews. I never know what questions to ask etc but this one just flowed. Granted it's been about 25 years since I interviewed but still!! 😃  The trick is getting myself ready for a move! I've been in my house for 21 years! There's a ton of stuff to go through and they want me over there in April! And then there's the business!! I'm contacting CPA's and there's a lady I know that belongs to a bookkeeping networking group. We're meeting to go over my accounts (around 80 and 30 payrolls!) and see how they can be divided up. I need to be able to give my clients options! It's amazing that one week life is as usual and the next week all the sudden there's a really good chance that life is on a totally different track. It's crazy! When life changes for me it does it QUICK! It's not quite as quick as the life change when Dave left but a week after finding out about a job I've interviewed 3 times! And am starting to look at houses. All that's left is the visit to the farm and I'm headed over on the 23rd.

This trip has had many changes to it! The first change was before I ever left Portland! The flight was delayed due to lots of snow in Salt Lake. Ended up spending the night at a friends in Salt Lake since I got in at around midnight and my flight to Twin Falls was supposed to land at 11! Made it to Twin Falls around noon Saturday and puttered around. Met with a realtor over in Burley. Awesome guy! He's still going at 92! It was snowing in Twin Falls when we had lunch, managed to temporarily out run it on our drive (Christina's with me this weekend!) to Burley but by the time we left the guys home it was coming down pretty good and drove in the snow storm to our current location. No meeting Sunday morning due to ice, which was the pits because I was hoping to see everyone!

Gorgeous Sunday sunrise in Rupert!

The cutest dog! She's quite the character! :)

And the job is mine!! Met with the CFO today and took a tour of the properties and the buildings where they fix farm equipment, vehicles and make parts. Took a look at the books and discussed and I think I'm really going to love this job! There's going to be a lot of learning but I'm used to learning new businesses. This will just be a lot more intense! :) And I took a look at a house this evening and it actually matches all my criteria. I may make an offer on it tomorrow and see what happens. It would be contingent on my house selling. Exciting times indeed!!

Looking from the office that I'll be working at. In the summer when all is planted and growing it'll be quite the view!

I took a trip to the coast earlier this month and had an awesome time. A couple of days at the beach and lots of wonderful visiting. A person we didn't even know gave me 4 perfect sand dollars! So cool!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Winter... and almost March! Big news next week!

Well... it's what we call a back loaded winter this year! Christmas had a few days of cold weather and snow but other then that it's been a dud. Until this week! We got snow Sunday, Monday morning and again today. And they're saying there's a possibility tomorrow night and maybe Thursday... wow! That would be 5 days in a row! It snowed all day practically but didn't stick until about 6 tonight and now we have 3 inches on the ground! I'm always amazed how bright it is outside with the snow!

There will most likely be really big news next week! This week has been wonderful practice! :)

All those dead flowers make a wonderful place for the snow to rest! :)

After Meeting

After Meeting

Sunday, February 4, 2018

This years plans and mussings

I've been doing a lot of pondering and thinking about where things are headed this year. The first step is to get me where I need to be. It's become more and more real that I'm somewhat off track. I've just felt off and I believe part of it is I'm not allowing my Father to lead the way I need to. It became very real in our meeting this evening. There are things that are in the way of going forward and to go forward they HAVE to be taken care of. There's no going around them because if you do you'll find yourself even more off track. I'm very good a trying to figure out a way to go around an issue in my life that needs to be settled and gotten rid of instead of just doing it! Then any semblance of peace is gone.  Really they're minor issues easily gotten rid of but habits are a funny thing and before I know it I'm back at it. It was also mentioned tonight that there could be a bigger thing in that needs to be taken care of but our Father will step us through the process one by one. If He were to build on what's in my life as it is there would just be a huge tumbled mess in the end. It works much better to work on a solid foundation where everything is taken care of. Things creep in but I need to be willing to listen and to obey. It's amazing how strong the human nature is. Even knowing that there will be peace in willingness I still fight. Grr!!

I really feel that there will be some big changes this year business wise. A new website is going to be going up in the next few months. It's been YEARS since it was changed and that's not a good thing in this day and age. New procedures are going to be implemented that will make next years year-end easier. It's kind of been a 'by the seat of the pants' business up to now. This last year was better but I still felt like I was scrambling a lot. Looking to try and minimize the scramble! I'm headed to a Dave Ramsey event later this year. So I'm pretty excited about that! My first ever business trip!! And it's almost completely paid for, in cash!!! So I'm sure that will give me some good ideas! :) And I'm rereading the Entreleadership book he wrote. There's a lot of really good stuff in that book! Bit the bullet and signed up for the monthly book club as well and last months book was Boundaries. Super good book!!! Not sure what this months will be yet.

The house is going to get new siding this year. There's a couple of really bad areas that I'm really hoping aren't bad in the main frame area. There were 3 out of 4 corners that had no protection for the edge of the siding so the rain just went in and over the years is caused issues to the point that the windows are leaking. One small part is done but now for the rest. Fingers crossed that this is the only issue to tackle this year.!!

Now to stay on track. I'm kind of an all or nothing person. It seems like I have all these grand plans but then there's so many things that I need/want to change that I get bogged down in the process. And that's where allowing my Father to lead me this year comes in. Focus on that and all else will fall into place where it needs to be. Maybe the above plan isn't His plan, only time will tell but just be willing for whatever needs to happen! As I well know, life can change in a moment. I also know that there's help through anything when there's obedience and willingness.