She technically came out of her coma Monday afternoon, however her levels needed a lot of work needless to say. Interestingly enough the one they had the most trouble with was the ionized calcium, it kept dropping. That one finally stayed at acceptable levels yesterday. That is the free floating calcium in the blood stream. She started off pretty listless but has quickly gained strength. I honestly think this is the best she has felt her whole short life! Yesterday she got moved from ICU and today (Friday) she got to go home. They were saying Saturday just yesterday but I think since Erika did such an awesome job of stepping to the plate and taking care of blood sugar readings and giving the shots they realized she was in very competent hands and let her out early!
There was an MRI done to check the spots on the brain and they believe that it is bleeding due to lack of oxygen when she went into the coma but they aren't absolutely positive if there was bleeding. The spots were in the same spot an each side of her brain on the frontal lobe. They don't think at this point it will affect her long term since she's doing so well, however only time will tell. They told them to keep an eye on her development. She's been very interactive. Apparently it's far enough back that the doctor can't say for sure if there will be issues. If it was further forward she could have said what we'd notice so the doctor said that is actually good news that she doesn't know! She does have a spot of calcification on her brain stem that they found while doing the MRI and that is totally unrelated to what happen this week. The neurologist has no clue why it's there or what caused it and is going to research it. In four months they'll do another scan to make sure that it hasn't grown. Who knows maybe this calcification is why the whole thing happened this way! She had to have the MRI to find that spot of calcification.
Here's the thing though, Erika has said all along that she urinated A LOT more then Teagan ever did and has said that multiple times to the doctor. She also has been sick a lot. It seems like she gets every single virus that comes along and that she takes forever to get over the illnesses. Her last month in the womb she really didn't gain weight and they've never been able to figure out why since that's when most weight is put on. However she did gain weight fairly quickly after she was born. But still she's not near as 'chunky' as Teagan was. She's right around 15 lbs. Another sign was how often she ate. Erika said she seemed to be a bottomless pit. Teagan was sleeping through the night by now and Scarlet very rarely has done that. It seems like every two or three hours she's ready to eat again. Erika has nursed her this whole time although she has started getting some baby food the last month and half. Another sign was her breathing, when she gets sick she has problems with her breathing, in reality she's had problems since birth with her breathing. She was in NICU her first week due to that. Looking back all of those are signs of diabetes but since it only happens to less then 1% of babies it just never occured to the doctors.
Lots of detail here and quite frankly I'm typing the detail so if my missing husband ever decides to look for the blog what's going on with his granddaughter is here! I'm so thankful for the out pouring of love and care that everyone has shown. I'm sure there was lots of prayers going up for Scarlet this week! I've been very thankful for my faith and for a Father that can give so much comfort in times of turmoil.
Here's some of my favorite pictures: