As I was meditating this morning a thought came to me. If, deep down, I really don't like someone and never come to terms with that then when I associate with that person later in life there's a good chance that I'll be treating them in a not so nice way! Dementia runs in my family. Both Grandmothers, both parents had/have it. When dementia progresses the filters that watch the words that come out, that control our actions around others, starts disappearing. Thus those that are held in contempt are treated in a manner that is not acceptable to our Father because those feelings weren't taken care of when they should have been. And I would say there's a good chance at that point that a person is more or less clueless that they are being down right nasty at times. It's a very scary thought. Is it hard to get along with everyone? You bet! But it's not a reason to hold them in contempt, to down grade them. After all, where would I be if my Father treated me the way I deserved at times? Another scary thought!
And after pondering a bit more this morning the other thought that came to me is that no matter how much I would want to take care of things, I can't do it in my own power. The only one that can change the basic human nature is my Father. It's human nature to have people rub you the wrong way, it's human nature to be resentful. And while we can subdue (filter) what we know is a wrong reaction when our brain is at full capacity. That goes away and we go back to the basic human nature. Thus I need to be WILLING for my Father to take care of the issues that come up with others, let him guide me in how to resolve issues so that when I'm older they don't become a burden to someone else. Because if I don't allow those issues to be resolved my attitude will affect everyone around me!
Apparently I needed this reminder and hopefully my thoughts can help others as well! :)
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Gardening Day!!
It was absolutely gorgeous today! I'd say around 65*-70*. Got lots done and lots planted. My squash plants were still trying to produce, (see below), but I went ahead and pulled them up since I needed to get my garlic planted!! Out of curiosity I left the tomato plants in to see if any of the tomatoes will ripen any more. There is a ton of new growth and blooms on those plants but I highly doubt they'll do anything. I really thought that I'd dug up most of my garlic this summer but it was very obvious that I hadn't! Unfortunately I didn't go and check before I ordered more garlic, so anyone that wants garlic this summer.... all going well I should have a bunch of it!! :) I think the raspberries are about done. There isn't very many more to pick! Pretty much picked clean. There is some mold starting on some of them but very few have it since there's very few left. I went out and picked and ate this afternoon. I'm still astounded at how many raspberries I was able to pick this fall. I'm sure it'll be many years before we have a fall like this one!
I also planted some swiss chard, broccoli and lettuce. They're calling for a warmer than normal winter so I thought I'd give it a shot. Maybe it'll last all winter! Should of had those three planted a month ago but time tends to scarce for me! Today I just decided to MAKE time. Lawn also got a much needed mowing! I'm really, really hoping that it rains this week. Now that it's everything is planted it needs some moisture! The ground in the garden area is unbelievably dry in areas. The planter boxes aren't too bad but they certainly could use some water. The lawn is pretty moist since the long grass was keeping it wet and it's in the shade most the day now. They're calling for rain but this year a 'good soaking' being forecast means that it'll spit a little bit of rain and be done. Finger's crossed that forecast will actually verify!! The radar isn't looking all that promising though. Everything appears to be moving northwest into Washington and missing us. :( We'll see what tomorrow morning brings! Lots of wind today though, which typically happens in El Nino years with lots of split flow. The jet stream splits and send stuff to Washington and to California and pretty much leaves us high and dry with the southern most remnants of moisture.
I also planted some swiss chard, broccoli and lettuce. They're calling for a warmer than normal winter so I thought I'd give it a shot. Maybe it'll last all winter! Should of had those three planted a month ago but time tends to scarce for me! Today I just decided to MAKE time. Lawn also got a much needed mowing! I'm really, really hoping that it rains this week. Now that it's everything is planted it needs some moisture! The ground in the garden area is unbelievably dry in areas. The planter boxes aren't too bad but they certainly could use some water. The lawn is pretty moist since the long grass was keeping it wet and it's in the shade most the day now. They're calling for rain but this year a 'good soaking' being forecast means that it'll spit a little bit of rain and be done. Finger's crossed that forecast will actually verify!! The radar isn't looking all that promising though. Everything appears to be moving northwest into Washington and missing us. :( We'll see what tomorrow morning brings! Lots of wind today though, which typically happens in El Nino years with lots of split flow. The jet stream splits and send stuff to Washington and to California and pretty much leaves us high and dry with the southern most remnants of moisture.
Tomato plants-Certainly doesn't look like the plants typically do in October- end of October at that! The box behind is where I planted the broccoli, swiss chard and lettuce.
New blooms and growth on the tomato plants.
Will we get more cucumbers?? They'd stopped growing but in the last couple weeks they're growing again!
Still getting peppers!!
The plants have obviously seen better days but were still producing!
The garlic that I missed!
Maybe I'll be able to pull some potatoes from the compost bin??!
I think this is a sunflower. It's a bit different in that it has lots of shots growing off the main stalk and each seems to have a flower at the end. The flowers are pretty small. It's growing in the compost bin.
Lots of rose hips but lots of blooms still too.
Still producing tomatoes. I'm curious if these will ripen or not.
The swiss chard, lettuce and Broccoli is planted here.
My garlic bed. This whole thing has garlic! This is where the squash plants were. The garlic growing is what I dug up and transplanted. The other side has the garlic that I ordered.
Where to put the extra plants that I pulled???
Found a spot! :) Hopefully they do okay! This box tends to stay wetter so we'll see!
Well, this got taken upside down but you get the idea! These were the squash that grew from the compost bin! I'm cooking one tonight. So I'll see what it's like!
Nice big bloom. :)
Anybody want some bulbs??? I planted a honeysuckle and these were where I planted it.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
A Bit Frustrated
So I've been trying to figure out why I so unmotivated. I know this is how I feel when I have key dates coming up with Dave but I haven't had issues this time of year before, then it dawned on me yesterday that my mom's birthday would have been next Tuesday. So it's good to know why! For whatever reason that's how my mourning works. I don't feel sad perse but there is just a total lack of motivation to do much of anything. It's very frustrating when there's a stack of work. Sure, work gets done, but at a much slower pace, because for some reason I just don't think or work as quickly.
It's kind of looking like the job that would have made me full time won't work out, at least not for now. :( But I keep reminding myself that there is a very good reason for that. I don't know what the reason is, but I will down the road!! I do have a client that is looking for me to do a bit more so I'll be able to do that at least!
Tomorrow morning I'll be up nice and early! Babysitting the grandkids! They really aren't babies anymore! Teagan is starting to learn to read. It's a lot of fun to get those snap chats! :) Love them so very much!!
It's kind of looking like the job that would have made me full time won't work out, at least not for now. :( But I keep reminding myself that there is a very good reason for that. I don't know what the reason is, but I will down the road!! I do have a client that is looking for me to do a bit more so I'll be able to do that at least!
Tomorrow morning I'll be up nice and early! Babysitting the grandkids! They really aren't babies anymore! Teagan is starting to learn to read. It's a lot of fun to get those snap chats! :) Love them so very much!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Busy, Busy, Busy
I'm actually home for a full day!! :) My schedule can be pretty chaotic but it's unusual to be home all day anymore! So cleaning my work area and getting some work projects finished is on the agenda. And then babysitting tonight! Payroll quarterlies got done and mailed yesterday!! Now onto the next! I"m still not completely sure if I'm completely full time yet since a couple of possible clients are in limbo. I look back to 4 years ago and am just in awe where my business has went! I didn't know what busy was even though I thought I was busy!
It's so easy for me to get distracted from one project to the next that when the day is done nothing is actually finished. So my goal today is to finish one project before another gets started! We'll see how that goes! I feel like that happens a lot in my must do's in the morning too. All the sudden a thought comes up and before I know it, it's not my Father that I'm communicating with! I'm reading and the same thing happens. It's really quite scary how easy it is for that to happen!! Another scary thing is how much that's revealed will become hidden when there is complete unwillingness. The thought that has also come to me is when the same thing is done over and over again with forgiveness being asked for over and over again. It occurs to me that there is a complete lack of willingness to change if I keep repeating the same thing over and over that I know shouldn't be done. With willingness from the heart to change comes the ability to not do it again! Then that brings true repentance. The urge might be there but the strength to not give into that urge is there. The one thing that is a big distraction for me is keeping up on the news. I like knowing what's going on. But I also know that it's something that I need to set aside. All is in my Father's control and listening to the news does me no good except to satisfy my curiosity. And the struggle I'm having with that tells me that it definitely needs to go!! Which leads right back to the thoughts I was having this morning!! The strength to not do something is provided if it is a heart felt willingness to change. That human nature makes it real hard to get the heart completely willing sometimes!!!
We've had some awesome sunrises and sunsets recently(see below). Today is misty but still have had under a inch of rain for the month here for the month. And it's still pretty warm for the time of year. There hasn't yet been consistently cool nights! I believe the last three have been above 55*! And there was one morning last week that I woke up and at 7 am it was 64*! The east wind was howling that day but normally we would be in the 'cold' season of the east wind by now. Fall /winter/beginning spring brings cold east winds and the late spring/summer brings hot east winds. Grass is growing like crazy as a result so I'll have to get out and mow later this week when things dry out a bit.
Last Friday's Sunrise

A week ago Sunday's sunset (Christina took the picture as I was driving :) )
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Beach Visit!
For picking the time due to my least busy time of month I got extremely lucky! Friday evening was cloudy and misty when I got there but Saturday through Monday.. WOW!! Saturday I spent the day with some dear friends right down the road from Rockaway Beach. They took me to the marina and then to where a lot of people do their fishing and crabbing. I visited the beach Saturday evening and found out that sand hoppers really like me. :( My feet itched SO bad when I got back to the house. Luckily they had baking soda in the cupboard and a soak of tepid water with baking soda did the trick and then a paste of baking soda with socks put over so I could sleep! It's amazing how well that baking soda worked! The itching was right on par with the itching from hives and on the bottom of the feet... yikes!! However the sunset pictures I got did make it worth it! :) Then we carpooled to our meeting Sunday morning. It was pretty awesome that I also got to see my cousin Brent W. and his wife from Vancouver at the meeting. They came down for the same days I did and we just happened to be at the same meeting! I also went down to Lincoln City for a afternoon meeting. What a gorgeous drive and wonderful meeting! Monday was a wander the town and relax day at the beach day and then dinner with friends. And as I was leaving today the clouds were back. Loved, loved, loved the break! And as I having a standing invitation to a place to stay, I may just go back in a few months!! :) As you can see from the pictures below the weather was awesome! It was in the 70's Saturday, probably upper 70's Sunday and low 80's Monday. It's very rare to get that good of weather three days in a row any time of year, much less in October!
Another side that was good to this trip is that this is the first overnight trip I've made to the coast since Dave left. We headed there as a getaway now and again so it was tough to head to the beach. Lincoln City was one place we went to fairly often so that's good to get off the plate, so to speak. Seaside was another but that'll be for another time!! Step by step the tough things get taken care of!! It always helps to have very dear friends that help by just being there!
A typical Oregon beach day!
Looking back at Rockaway Beach with clouds.
Garibaldi Marina
Lots of boats!!
A crab pot is down there!
The view from where people fish and have their crab pots. Hwy 101 is off to the far right.
Gorgeous Sunset with the seagulls
My favorite picture!
My attempt at a selfie. :)
Rockaway Beach without the clouds
There's a blue heron right along the middle edge of the pond. This pond was right along side the house I stayed at.
A gorgeous 81* on Monday! On the Northern Oregon Beach!!
Another shot of the beach. It was just perfect Monday!
The cute house that I stayed at. It's on, sleeps up to 8 but probably 6 comfortably. And only a 3 minute walk to the beach. Well stocked with the basics. Towels, kitchen etc. 126 Beacon St.
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