Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Another life journey

I've never had a really serious medical issue. There was the fifth disease in my early 30's but I wouldn't classify that as serious even though my neck couldn't turn for months. And it triggered arthritis, but that hasn't bothered me much at all over the years. But this last month I decided to try for a different life insurance company. They give tests to see where you are health wise. Blood tests came back fine but urine test not so much. I've always had high protein in urine but they've never figured out why. But this time the numbers were WAY beyond normal, even for me. Microalbumin/Creatinine should be 21 max, it was 264 and the retest a month later was 313, and the Protein/Creatinine should be 200 max and it was 617. YIKES! So I've been referred to a kidney specialist. The doctor is guesstimating that kidney function has dropped 20% this last year. I'm pretty sure diabetes related is off the table since I'm just on the cusp of being pre-diabetic, hypertension is off the table since my blood pressure is if anything opposite (It averages 100/70), life insurance company tests the white blood cell counts so I'd think cancer is off the table since that was fine... So my guess is some autoimmune issue is going on since there's a fair amount of autoimmune issues in the family. Not medication related either since I take no medication.

So I'm going to begin my Reliv journey to see if that will help. It helped bring my iron down a few years ago. So lets see if it can heal whatever is going on with my kidneys. Reliv has been known to help numerous things that are big issues, from cancer to diabetes, to..... It really is some amazing stuff. I have a horrible tendency to not take it as I should but now that there's something serious going on... I do believe I'll be much more diligent! We'll keep fingers crossed and I will keep track of my journey through this on this blog.

I am VERY thankful for that urge to try another Life Insurance company and thus it got caught!

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