Sunday, May 26, 2013


What a month it has been! So much is going on and it seems like just as I think it's all starting to come into line and I'm figuring out where I'll be sitting account wise something changes. It's all good changes but WOW! A couple of weeks ago I really thought I was finally getting caught up and then more came in and I'm back to my evenings pretty much being busy at home. It sure is a process of figuring out what needs scheduled where and when. That will become more clear as the months continue. It's the hard part of a growing business. Learning to schedule properly and make sure that nothing is dropped in the process. I just never dreamed that the business would do what is doing. I really feel like it has more to do with my Father then me. I do believe that I need to do certain things. Go to networking meetings, meet potential clients, etc. But when all is said and done He knows what I need and who is best. It's all in His timing. The connections that I've made have been awesome. Some have become friends, some I have ended up using their services, other's have become 'power partners'. In the end I hope my life will show them what is most important, what brings a peace to the heart regardless of all that is going on around. I'm just so thankful and need to make sure I'm keeping first things first. My Father knows what's important, not me.

In other important news Christina graduates next week! It's so hard to believe that my baby is now considered an adult! One more school thing is left after that, her SkillsUSA nationals event near the end of June then it's completely done! Then real life begins! Blake and Erika are having another little girl! First of October is the due date. Actually the day it's due is my sisters birthday AND Blake's birthday so it'll be interesting to see if the baby actually comes on that day! Grandma twice over, wow!

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