Monday, February 14, 2011


Just everybody remember that your sweethearts are precious. Even though there may be struggles, there's someone there that in the end is there for you! There's someone to talk to, to discuss issues with, to help raise the kids, to give a hug.....

I've been doing some reflecting on one of the issues we had. I'm a clutter, and Dave is the opposite. I think he'd given up on me on that issue, although in the last year or so i'd really been trying to get better. Maybe this is too personal but it gets my thought across saying it. He would gripe about me being like my parents and I'd get upset because I knew I wasn't even close to them in that issue. I'd get stuck on that comment and not realize that although I wasn't near as bad with my clutter that I DID have the same TENDENCY that they did, so in the end yes I WAS just like my parents. It's just so irritating to me that it took him disappearing for me to see the light on that. I guess if nothing else it shows that good can come from a horrible experience. My house is becoming a MUCH cleaner/less cluttered place!! Although I have lots of sorting a getting rid of to do! So just because I might not be as bad as someone in something that doesn't mean it makes it okay. I need to look beyond that and to the heart of the matter, when all is said and done I am just like whoever because I'm doing the same thing, even though it is to a lesser degree, it's still the samething. I'm trying to focus on the good coming from this experience. The ways that God has been there for me. The strength that he's given me. The growth that I've seen taking place in Christina. The changes he's making in me. All positives that to some degree or another could have taken years to make if this hadn't happened.

I hope everybody has a very happy Valentines Day!!! My brother was a sweetie and sent me a miniature rose plant today. And we had dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend. But tonight i'm really feeling the empty spot.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Aleta, I'm so impressed by the truths you share here. What a realization to come to, to recognize the kernel of the matter, the part that rests in me. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for being real. Jeanie
